Matthew 4:4 msg


Satan told Jesus to turn the stones to bread to ease His hunger
and to prove He was the Son of God.
Just as we eat every day to feed our bodies
so we must feed our spirits every day with God’s words. 

Which is better fed your body or your spirit?

Blessings this day of grace,patricia

Matthew 6:11 esv


Every morning let us ask for what we need for the day before us.  
Perhaps our need is for healing, work, food, clothing, shelter.  
Maybe we need strength, patience, peace, kindness, wisdom.
Let us pray for whatever we need for today.

In the morning, do you pray for what you will need in the day ahead?

Blessings this day of grace,


Image: morgueFile

Matthew 6:11 niv

breadWe often ask for things we think we will need in the future forgetting about today.
However, today is what we have and we may not have tomorrow.
Perhaps the wiser course is to pray first for today than for the future.
The Lord knows what our futures hold and  provides for us day by day.

Are you too busy with tomorrow to pray for today?
How will praying for this day help you with the tomorrows of life?

Blessings this day of grace,



John 6:47-48 akj


You just need the basics for life;
temporary life and eternal life.
Bread and Jesus.

Do you think you need more than the basic things of life to have a good life?
If all you had was Jesus and bread would you be happy?


Blessings this day of grace,
