Sharing My Thoughts

These posts are just my thoughts and wonderings.  Not great literature or theology–not even close!–just my  musings about the things  I am learning as I travel  this path.  I do believe that what I write about, the topic or theme of each post, is Spirit led.  But the words are mine as are any mistakes or misinterpretations.

The words here are not written to teach or debate or to convince anyone of anything.  I am on a journey and learning as I go.  I hope that what you read will make you think and wonder.

My hope is that what you read in these thoughts of mine will open your heart to the wonder of God and His creation.  My prayer is that there will be something written here that will speak to your spirit and will bless you on your journey.

Most days I post what I call His Word for Today.  Just a verse or two, snippets of scripture, something to think and wonder about as you go about your day.  You will be blessed with what He says to you.

Except for the obvious and where noted, the words written here are mine.  You are welcome to use what you want but please honor the copyright and acknowledge this blog and where possible link back to it.


 If I use an image that has copyright protection and I have not noted it, I apologize.  If you hold the copyright or know who does please let me know and I will make the necessary notation or remove the image.

Sometimes WordPress will put ads on a blog. This is not my choice but a policy of WordPress.  I do not endorse the advertisers or their products/services.

Blessings this day of grace,



8 thoughts on “Sharing My Thoughts

  1. Hello. I found out about your blog from the Seeker. I have been on a spiritual journey for 5-6 years. I continue on my journey…to know God. Many times I’ve wanted to give up and have. I am determined not to…I feel my fears as I undo the beliefs I’ve accepted that keep me from knowing God. I’ve learned much and I’m grateful for all I’ve come to understand and see. I am grateful your blog has crossed my path! Pam

    • I, too, am grateful that we are meeting on this path. Each step we take on the path takes us closer to all we need to learn and to grow in faith. I know you will be blessed as you ponder His Word this day of grace.

  2. Thanks you for your sharing your thoughts. Sometimes when I pray, i do not know what to say. If it’s okay by you, may I use your words. I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking through you and I want to share these with others.

    • Seeker, you are more than welcome to use what you read here as a starting point for your prayers. If you want to use them on a blog or any public platform please link back to the post here.

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