James 5:10 esv


We may think that our suffering is more intense than what others endure.
If we look outside of ourselves we will see the suffering of others, past and present.
Seeing and reading of what other people have faced and persevered through
will help us put into perspective what we are experiencing and help us to  press on.

Do you feel alone in your suffering?
Will you look to others who have suffered, or are now suffering,
for help and inspiration in the struggle to stay strong?

Blessings this day of grace,


Photo: openphoto.net

James 5:7 esv


We are to wait for the Lord’s return patiently.
Waiting patiently does not mean we are to be idle.
We have work to do as we look to the future harvest.

Do you know wait is a verb not a passive word?
What are you doing while you wait for the Lord?

Blessings this day of grace,


Picture: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Writings Of The Past Were Written For Today

In the early days of the church some questioned the need for the Old Testament writings. Knowing that the church is not under law but under grace made them think the ancient writings no longer had value for believers.  Paul tells them that things written before Pentecost, the beginning of the church age, have lessons.  They were written not only for the people of the past but for those of the future to teach and instruct.  Just as the ancient writings told the people of the past about their future hope in Christ, to help in times of trials, they would teach the present believers how to hold onto their present hope, Christ, in difficult times.

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
Romans 15:4 KJV

The first century Christians had the saints of old, like Job, Daniel, and David, and their stories of how they felt and struggled and responded to trials and tribulations as examples to encourage them to persevere.  We, today, not only have the saints and martyrs of the Old Testament, we also have those of the New Testament, and we have Jesus Christ.

From the scripture record of the lives of faithful believers we learn about patience, what it is and what it is not.

Patience is not passive but active.
Patience implies suffering but not defeat.
Patience perseveres it does not give up.
Patience endures it does not disappear.

Through the lives of those who believed before us we are comforted.  We are comforted by the stories of the Old Testament believers because of their hope in the Savior, who had not yet been fully revealed; and we are comforted by the New Testament believers in how they walked in the footsteps of the Savior.  We are encouraged by the honesty of their suffering.  They give us confidence that we, too, will have victory in our trials.  

All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16 NIV

Paul told the believers of his day that knowing God’s Word would teach them patience and they would be comforted and have hope; and in their hope they would have blessings.

 Paul is also speaking to the church today.  Are we listening?

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:25 NIV

Wait for God only…

At the beginning of the year I wrote about my word for the year, wait.  I also wrote about waiting without complaint.  Since the first of the year I have waited mostly without complaint, but there have been days of whining and complaining. I am still a work in progress here and some days there is less progression and more digression.  I am putting effort into changing this…

In my weeks of waiting there have been some decisions and choices to be made.  I have taken these things to the Lord and waited for His guidance and direction.  He is ever faithful and of the five choices and decisions needing to be made three have been decided.  Waiting on Him has given me a  peace with what and how changes have been made that I would not have had if I had relied solely on my own thoughts.  I know in His time the remaining two questions will be settled in the best possible way.

But, I am wondering if this is what my word, wait, is meant to accomplish.  I have thought that perhaps I have misunderstood what I am to learn this year from the word wait.  It is true that I have been less impulsive with my decisions and I have sought the Lord more deliberately and with an openness that I have not had in the past.  I am not debating with Him now.  Yet, there is a place the Spirit is leading me, a place, I think, I have not really been before.

It seems I have been very busy waiting, praying, meditating, and seeking.  Maybe that busyness is not what God wants of me at this time.  Maybe He wants me to settle down, quiet myself, be still, in silence.  Maybe my hope from Him at this time is  His encouragement and inspiration; a time to grow in  confidence and trust in His promises.

Maybe wait has nothing to do with questions and answers, choices and decision, plans and agendas.

Maybe wait is  being still and quiet and alone in His presence.  Maybe wait is just being with Him.

My soul, wait in silence for God only.
For my hope is from Him.

Psalm 62:5

It may be that I have worked at wait when I am meant to simply wait.

Just wondering…



Waiting Without Complaint…

Waiting is often tiring, sometimes boring, once in a while fun, and it can be interesting.  Our attitude determines a lot about how we feel when waiting.  When waiting we can fret and fume, thinking about all that we  should or could be doing, or we can relax and look at the world around us.

I am learning to wait for the Lord.  This waiting is not tiring or boring, so far not especially fun, but it is interesting and challenging.  Interesting because there is a lot about waiting I did not know and challenging because what I do not know I am now learning.  Learning the things I am learning are not easy lessons for me.

I am learning we are to be still before the Lord.  Sounds fairly simple.  But to be still is to be silent, tranquil, unruffled, and deliberate.  Being still, as in not moving, is not so difficult but to be silent and tranquil takes some practice.  How often are you truly silent?  If you are like me, not very often.  Most of us tend to have noisy heads.  We may not be talking with another person but we sure can have some mighty fine conversations with ourselves.  When we  engage in conversation of any kind we are not still.

Then we are to be deliberate in our stillness.  We are to take the time to be still before the Lord. Quietly and calmly, unruffled by whatever is going on around us–or in us.  He is to be before us, we are to be looking at Him, He is to have our full and complete attention.

And, when we wait, what are we to be doing?   We are to prepare, get ready.  We are to expect the Lord.  We are to be actively waiting, not daydreaming or sleeping.

How are we to actively wait?  Patiently, enduring without complaint, peaceful and content.  If you observe people waiting you will see that most are not peaceful and content and most will be complaining, if not verbally then with their body language.  Yet, we are to wait, to suffer the wait without complaint.  If we do this we will be peaceful and content.

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him

 Psalm 37:7a

I wonder how long it will take me to learn these lessons? 

 And I wonder how often I will need reminding (and disciplining) before this kind waiting becomes part of my character?

Just wondering…
